Often, people are penny-wise and dollar foolish when it comes to hiring an attorney. They may think they can handle their problems themselves. But, the attorneys at Gonzalez / Muñoz caution that thinking that way could cause even more problems and will almost certainly result in a smaller settlement. Insurance companies are experts at marketing—positioning themselves as warm and caring corporations when the truth is that they are in business to make money and they make money by taking in more dollars in premiums and paying out less dollars in claims. The insurance companies have lawyers representing them but they don’t want you to be represented. There are many different laws that can impact your case and the attorneys at Gonzalez / Muñoz have extensive experience and a thorough understanding of these laws.

Attorneys can be hired not only to maximize the monetary value of a case, they can also be hired to negotiate and reduce any possible future liens. For example, in one case the attorneys at Gonzalez / Muñoz reduced a health insurance lien from $71,962.00 to zero. In another case Gonzalez / Muñoz attorneys reduced a workers compensation lien from $102,000 to $4,000. The lay person does not have the knowledge or experience to do that.

Attorneys Victor Gonzalez and Julio Muñoz fight insurance companies—that’s all they do. “Insurance companies have the knowledge, experience and power. Attorney, Victor Gonzalez says that “the lawyer levels the playing field between the powerful corporation and the average person.” Our success comes as a result of our clients’ trust. “Our client referrals are our best compliment and a real sign of their loyalty. It gives us the ability to help others and that’s why we’re here in the first place,” says attorney, Julio Muñoz.


Automobile Accident

A client’s husband was on his way to the airport to his job as a TSA Agent when a large SUV ran a red light and crashed right into the driver’s door of our client’s car—killing him instantly. There was a dispute as to whether our client’s husband or the other driver ran the red light. The attorneys at Gonzalez / Muñoz were able to secure an in-trial settlement in the amount of $3,000,000.00 plus uninsured motorist benefits in the amount of $100,000.00.

A client was driving her work-issued SUV when rear-ended. The damage to the SUV was minimal and the repair cost was $1,800.00. The insurance company offered $5,000.00 to settle the claim. The attorneys at Gonzalez / Muñoz filed a lawsuit and secured a settlement in the amount of $500,000.00 which came to ten times the policy limit.

Motorcycle Accident

A client was riding his motorcycle through an intersection on a green light when a vehicle traveling from the opposite direction made a left turn in front of the client, violating his right of way. The client suffered a severe knee injury, requiring surgery and the installation of hardware to repair the fracture. Even though the color of the light was in dispute, the attorneys at Gonzalez / Muñoz secured a settlement in the amount of $920,000.00.

Slip and Fall

A client was visiting a neighbor to bring a holiday gift to the neighbor’s child when she slipped on the stairs and fractured her ankle, requiring surgery. The client incurred medical bills in the amount of $55,000.00. The insurance company initially offered $15,000.00 because there was a “slippery when wet” sign in the stairway. A lawsuit was filed and the case was challenging because the client testified in deposition that she always holds onto the handrail when walking down the stairs; however, surveillance video showed the client walking down the stairs at a fast pace and not holding on to the handrails. The jury awarded damages in the amount of $528,567.00.


A client was sitting in a barber shop when a limousine came through the wall and struck the client, fracturing his leg and severely injuring his knee. The accident was caused when a car at a nearby intersection made a left turn on a green light in front of the limousine, causing the limousine to hit the car and swerve off of the road, over hedges and parking stops and into the barber shop. The car did not carry bodily injury liability coverage. The attorneys at Gonzalez / Muñoz had the “black box” from the limousine downloaded by an expert accident reconstructionist and it was determined that the limousine was traveling at almost double the speed limit. The insurer for the limousine offered $50,000 because it took the position that the primary cause of the accident was the car turning left. The attorneys of Gonzalez / Muñoz filed a lawsuit and helped secure a jury verdict of $1,430,000.00.